Posted on 2nd June 2016
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Following the box office success of the original movie back in 2014, the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES sequel, OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016), hit theaters this week. Concave Brand Tracking attended one of the first European screenings and recorded all the Brands that featured in the latest Michael Bay produced blockbuster.

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) had almost 3 times more total Brand visibility than its 2014 predecessor. This can be explained by the increased use of monitors, a car chase that involved multiple SUVs, motorcycles and even three-wheeler vehicles and one of the main villains wearing Branded eyewear throughout the movie.
As can be expected by any Michael Bay movie, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) also featured significant levels of product placement, as opposed to just organic Brand appearances. Indeed, this is the case for many of the most visible Brands which we will look at more closely.
However, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) still falls far short of Bay’s most recent TRANSFORMERS movie, AGE OF EXTINCTION (2014). It has a little more than half as much total Brand visibility.
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) also had less total Brand visibility than BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE (2016) but more than CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR (2016) and X-MEN: APOCALYPSE (2016).

Now, let’s take a look at the 6 most visible Brands in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016).
$ ADVERTISING VALUATION: For some of these top 6 Brands, we will also give an approximate valuation of how much their exposure is worth in terms of advertising value. This value is based on Concave Brand Tracking’s in-house model and assumes that TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) will gross between 400 and 500 million dollars worldwide. For more information on our $ valuation model please contact us at
#6 New York Knicks

Right at the start of the movie, the turtles sneak into Madison Square Garden to watch their New York Knicks take on the Los Angeles Clippers. A variety of basketball related Brands get screen time, including Spalding, Nike, Adidas and of course the NBA. Unsurprisingly though, between the court, the jerseys and the jumbotron, it is the New York Knicks Brand that gets the most visibility in this scene and ends up being the 6th most visible in the entire movie.
The New York Knicks recently appeared in Amy Schumer’s TRAINWRECK (2015) in which the team was by far the most visible Brand.

#5 Lenovo

With a lot of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) centered around technology, science, research and IT, the movie features lots of computer monitors. While many are unBranded, and those in the police station are Dell, most screens in the villain’s’ laboratories are from Lenovo.
Overall, Lenovo got a couple of minutes of screen time, low logo visibility and a combination of close-up, subtle and background discernibility.
$ ADVERTISING VALUE: Concave Brand tracking projects that Lenovo will get between US$1M and US$1.4M worth of advertising value from this product placement in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016). The Brand had around US$250K worth of advertising value in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (2014).
Lenovo was around 5 times more visible in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) than in its 2014 predecessor. However, the Brand was more visible in the last 2 TRANSFORMERS movies, AGE OF EXTINCTION (2014) and DARK OF THE MOON (2011). These 2 movies also grossed more than TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) is expected to, so resulted in far more exposure.
Lenovo was, however, more visible in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) than in recent movies such as SPECTRE (2015), TED 2 (2015), RIDE ALONG (2014) and VACATION (2015).

#4 Ducati
Despite only appearing in one scene, Ducati motorcycles enjoyed around 3 minutes of screen time. Indeed, a large number of Streetfighter bikes were used by members of The Foot Clan early on in the movie. The bikes appear very visibly in the scene though the Ducati logo is never clearly seen.
ADVERTISING VALUE: Concave Brand tracking projects that Ducati will get between US$1.2M and US$1.7M worth of advertising value from this product placement in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016).
Ducati’s product placement in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) was one of its most visible and by far is most valuable in recent years. We have to go back to Trinity riding a Ducati 996 in THE MATRIX RELOADED (2003) to find a product placement by Ducati that was more visible and gave the Brand more exposure.
In the meantime, Ducati has appeared in such movies as MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED (2012), FAST & FURIOUS 6 (2013), FAST FIVE (2011), TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN (2009), INCEPTION (2010) and THE WOLVERINE (2013).

#3 Dodge

In TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (2014), Chevrolet and Ford were the main car Brands. While Ford police vehicles do appear throughout TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016), they do so mostly in the background. Chevrolet does also appear but only briefly and also in the background.
It is Dodge that is by far the most visible car Brand in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016).
Dodge appears in the form of police patrol cars throughout the movie and police SUVs in the convoy scene early on. And finally, Casey Jones, played by Stephen Amell, drives a 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT as his personal car. All of this product placement results in Dodge having over 4 minutes of screen time and being the 3rd most visible Brand in the movie.
ADVERTISING VALUE: Concave Brand tracking projects that Dodge will get between US$1.5M and US$2M worth of advertising value from this product placement in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016).
Dodge was more visible in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) than in recent movies including BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE (2016), TED 2 (2015), TERMINATOR GENYSIS (2015) and THE PURGE: ANARCHY (2014). Dodge was however less visible than in FURIOUS 7 (2015), INTERSTELLAR (2014), CREED (2015), RIDE ALONG (2015) and GET HARD (2015).
However, once we factor in the expected box office performance of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016) we find that Dodge only got more exposure in INTERSTELLAR (2014) and FURIOUS 7 (2015).

#2 Ultra

One of the villains in the movie is Dr. Baxter Stockman, played by Tyler Perry. He wears a pair of vintage Ultra Goliath glasses throughout the movie. The Brand’s logo is never seen, but it gets almost 4 minutes of screen time as Perry is never seen without them. This results in Ultra being the 2nd most visible Brand in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016).

#1 Belstaff
In the Ninja Turtles comic books and cartoons, April O’Neil was rarely seen not wearing her yellow jacket. While Megan Fox did wear such a jacket in the 2014 movie, it was a plain unbranded jacket. In TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016), Fox wears a beige Belstaff Roadmaster jacket throughout much of the movie.

Not only does Belstaff get over 4 minutes of screen time, but its logo is clearly visible in over 70% on her left arm. As such, Belstaff is by far the most visible Brand in the movie.
ADVERTISING VALUE: Concave Brand tracking projects that Belstaff will get between US$3M and US$4M worth of advertising value from this product placement in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS (2016).
While not a common Brand in entertainment, Belstaff is no stranger to product placement. Most recently, one of their jackets could be see worn by Matt Leblanc in his first ever episode of TOP GEAR (2016) and Corey Stoll briefly wore a Belstaff leather jacket as Darren Cross in ANT-MAN (2015).

Throughout the years, Belstaff has been worn on screen by the likes of David Beckham (2014 documentary INTO THE UNKNOWN), Naomi Harris (2012’s SKYFALL), Scarlett Johansson (2012’s MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS), much of the cast of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 2 (2012), Patrick Dempsey (2011’s TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON) and Tom Cruise (2006’s MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III) to name just a few.

You might even remember Britney Spears and Sean Paul wearing Belstaff in their respective music videos for TOXIC (2004) and TEMPATURE (2006).

If you found this article interesting, why not check out our articles on the Brands in X-MEN: APOCALYPSE (2016), CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR (2016) and BATMAN V SUPERMAN (2016).

For more information on our methodology, data or services, please contact us at
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